Home Where we Play!

Where we Play!

by admin

All Seasons will be played at the Damon Garcia Sports Complex in San Luis Obispo.

Heavy rain will cancel games – your Team Manager will inform you as soon as SLOWS receives information from the City. 
“No News is Good News” when it comes to rain-outs.

Games will be played on the upper Daryl Damon field and the lower Field A.

Please read the following information regarding parking and field use:

• Please do not drop the goals when attaching the nets to the goals.This damages the wheels that make it easier to move on the fields.
• Damon-Garcia parking lot is available for use beginning each morning at 6:00 AM.
• SESLOC Parking is available for the South lot ONLY weekdays beginning at 6:00 PM and weekends beginning at 7:00 AM.
• SESLOC Northern lot is available for parking SUNDAYS ONLY beginning at 7:00 AM.
• At no time will Damon-Garcia users be able to park in designated ATM spaces
• Dogs are not permitted at Damon-Garcia, including when on a leash.
• RV parking is not permitted at SESLOC parking lot at any time. RVs will need to find alternative parking
• Patrons are not allowed to park at the Marigold shopping center across Broad St.

If City staff is not present on-site, this does not give you permission to park in SESLOC parking lots during the open hours. Please abide by the times referenced above. 

Regarding nets, CC Soccer has organized the nets/net bags.
Please keep the nets organized by numbers and place the nets back into its correct bag as it will make things easier in the long run.